We want to MOVE you! Literally, physically, emotionally, as a community. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We have the vision to build an annual event to celebrate living in Westchester, Southern California where the skies are blue, the grass is green and our community comes together to raise funds for a worthy cause.

Our intention with this Challenge is to:

  • encourage community 

  • create a reason to gather

  • raise funds for a worthy cause

Teamwork is a skill worth nurturing since we all need to collaborate to improve our lives, our families, our neighborhoods and our Westchester community.

Westchester has been referred to as a “hidden gem” by LA citizens from other parts of town. We all know it is a special place already. 

Like other Team Challenges, challenges raise awareness. Think of some of the crazy social media “challenges” you’ve witnessed:

  • Planking 

  • Tebowing 

  • The Running Man Challenge

  • The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge  

We want to come together to raise awareness for our Westchester beautification efforts. John Ruhlen and the Westchester Streetscape Improvement Association are improving our sidewalks and landscaping along Sepulveda and Manchester Blvds. as we travel in and out of our community daily.
